Organizational Development – Innovative Management Tools Sun, 31 Dec 2023 15:54:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Organizational Development – Innovative Management Tools 32 32 230777158 DIAGNOSE Flash Report Special Offer Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:05:44 +0000 Thank you for clicking here to learn about the Special Pricing for January and February of 2024 for a DIAGNOSE Flash Report. Here are the details of the offer: The 12-page report is US$1,999. (See link below for an example Flash Report) From January 1-10, 2024, the special price is $1,399 when you copy this […]

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Thank you for clicking here to learn about the Special Pricing for January and February of 2024 for a DIAGNOSE Flash Report.

Here are the details of the offer:

The 12-page report is US$1,999. (See link below for an example Flash Report)

From January 1-10, 2024, the special price is $1,399 when you copy this link in your browser ( and use the promo code LIPROMO600.

From January 11-31, 2024, the special price is $1,599 when you copy this link in your browser ( and use the promo code LIPROMO400.

From February 1-29, 2024, the special price is $1,799 when you copy this link in your browser ( and use the promo code LIPROMO200.

The purchase link will bring you to a site where you will be asked to provide some basic information about the company and the names of the 10 people who will be included in the survey results.

Once the Flash Report purchase is completed, the Primary Contact person will be sent a special link for your company with which the survey respondents should take the survey.

Once all 10 respondents have completed the survey, the results will be consolidated and the Flash Report will be written in next 72 hours. Here is an example DIAGNOSE Flash Report: DIAGNOSE Example Flash Report – Innovative Management Tools

As a Bonus to this offer, a 30-minute call is available to go over any questions you may have about the results.

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Recognizing Employees Thu, 14 Dec 2023 13:47:27 +0000 Everybody likes it when they are recognized for a job well done.  Everybody.  We may not like it to be a big, public recognition, but we like to know that our immediate supervisor or leader sees the value in our actions. As employees, we often feel that our actions are not recognized enough.  We’ve all […]

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Everybody likes it when they are recognized for a job well done.  Everybody.  We may not like it to be a big, public recognition, but we like to know that our immediate supervisor or leader sees the value in our actions.

As employees, we often feel that our actions are not recognized enough.  We’ve all had that big project that went off without a hitch, yet we never got a word of praise uttered to us from our leader.  Or that really big crisis that you were asked to work extra time to take care of, without even a thank you for the extra time.  We all know how it feels.

What is interesting is that as we move into a leadership role, we see the other side of the coin.  We ask our top employee to tackle that crisis.  Let’s call her Mary.  We see the extra work that Mary puts in to get things taken care of.  However, because we always seem to be in the firefighter mode, it never fails that the moment you wanted to go over to her and thank her for the extra effort another fire flares up and takes your attention.  Great intention, poor performance. 

When you get that new fire put out, you think about the praise you should have given Mary.  But the moment is gone and you feel like a schmuck saying “Thank You” now.  And then we say to ourselves something like this: “Surely she saw how busy I was with that other fire.  I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  She knows why I couldn’t give her praise on that last project – I didn’t have the time.  I’ll make sure to give her double praise next time and make up for it.”

Unfortunately, Mary doesn’t see it the same way.  She sees all the work that she did and you didn’t even take the time to say “Thank You.”  Imagine how much extra effort she will give next time she is asked to work on a project.

As leaders and managers, we know that giving praise and recognition is important.  However, every manager I speak to tells me that he/she could do a better job at giving their employees praise on a more consistent basis.  Many people grew up without a constant flow of praise.  As managers, giving praise on a daily basis may not be natural.  It takes work, organization, intentionality, discipline, and time.  Precious time that we don’t have.

I recently saw an article in my local newspaper that talked about the younger generation and their need for praise.  Younger generations grew up with much more “positive parenting” than older generations.  For many of these people, there was a constant flow of praise and encouragement given when growing up.  These generations of emloyees have learned that getting constant praise is normal and they expect it.  Without it, they are often lost or feel as if they are unappreciated.  If they go too long without praise, they may decide to work somewhere else where they will get the praise they need, want, and expect.

So how do we integrate employee recognition into our management style?  If paying close attention to your employees’ work and dishing out praise for a job well done doesn’t come naturally to you, then you need to tackle this topic as you would tackle any other initiative in your organization.  Design an employee recognition strategy.  Yes.  Design.  Take time to create a complete multi-level strategy for your organization.  Decide what will be recognized at the organization level, the department level, and the sub-department level. 

It is important to build consistency across the levels of an organization.  For example, don’t let one department give a trip to the Bahamas for perfect attendance while another department gives a mall certificate.

Another thing to remember is that recognition isn’t reward.  Recognition doesn’t have to be more than a thank you, a hand-written note, or a mention at a staff meeting.  Just remember these few things about a recognition program:

  • Keep it simple – you already have enough to do
  • Keep it fresh – but keep it consistent enough so it doesn’t look like a totally different program every month
  • Keep it regular – schedule a recognition ceremony each month at your staff meetings (you are having staff meetings, right?)
  • Focus on performance – praise the things that generate growth for the department or organization
  • Track results – keep log sheets of who was recognized each month so you have something to refer back to when it is time for raises, reviews, and promotions
  • Hold everyone to the same standards – don’t show favoritism

Several years ago I designed my own department-level recognition program.  The company I was working for was going through huge changes (i.e., we had six presidents over a five year period) and my staff of eight was not focusing on their work like they needed to because of all the noise throughout the organization.  They were very busy paying attention to what was going on outside the department – paying attention to things they couldn’t control – while I needed them to focus on what was going on inside the department – paying attention to things they could control.

I had to leave my firefighter mode for a couple days and I created my own AWARDS Program – a bank of 20 awards that I printed on pre-perforated business card sheets.  I decided to recognize those activities that were performance-based and that the staff had control over so they could be successful.  I also decided to hand out the awards at my monthly staff meetings.  I still tried to give immediate praise when I saw something good happen.  However, if I missed the moment, I still had the opportunity to recognize the employee(s) at the monthly meeting.

Having the awards up front made things much easier for me.  I knew what to look for and it forced me to pay attention to what my people were doing.  It took very little time to manage the program.  I also created log sheets for each employee to capture the awards they received.

The program wasn’t a feel-good program where everybody got something each month.  Sometimes I gave out two awards, other times I gave out eight awards, and still other times I gave out none.

I said that I created 20 awards.  However, I didn’t tell the staff what the awards were when I introduced the program.  I kept them secret until somebody deserved one of the awards.  This kept it fresh for over two years.  Two years of recognition for virtually no cost.

Although nobody in my department was able to control the external noise, we were able to stay focused and reach our department goals during some very turbulent times.

Employees want and need recognition.  As supervisors, managers, or leaders, we need to drop the “I don’t have time to create something” excuse.  If you don’t have a regular recognition program in place for your staff today, developing such a program should be one of your top priorities.  Your employees deserve it.  If you don’t feel like you are creative enough to make something, contact me for ideas.  I’d be happy to help you.  Attached is a small collage of award ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Benefits of an Employee Recognition Program

1. Lower costs by focusing on recognition instead of reward

2. Increase productivity by making sure people are focused on the things that will benefit the organization by recognizing those things

3. Improve morale by letting your employees know that their work is meaningful and that they are appreciated

4. Develop management by helping them learn how to pay attention to their staff’s accomplishments and build the skill of recognizing employees

Best Practices for being able to create and sustain an Employee Recognition Program

  1. Keep it simple
  2. Keep it fresh
  3. Keep it regular
  4. Focus on performance
  5. Track results
  6. Hold everyone to the same standards

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PROFILE – Skills Assessment Activity Fri, 08 Dec 2023 14:41:56 +0000 The post PROFILE – Skills Assessment Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

“Some employees don’t seem to be the best fit for a position but aren’t horrible either. Need to understand their skill set to find a better fit.”

“Certain departments have been caught without the needed skills present among the staff, causing issues, backlogs, or customer issues.”

“Some “good” employees are never invited to be on projects mainly because the breadth and depth of their skills is not fully understood, resulting in continually relying on a few people and overloading those people.”
Do any of these comments sound familiar to you?  Are you and your colleagues having conversations about one of these topics with HR, the owner of the company, or between yourselves? 
My guess is that you are because in an on-going survey of companies performed by Innovative Management Tools, these scenarios as a group rank #2 out of 28 groups as the most frequent challenges today. 
If you have been “talking” about these scenarios and things don’t seem to be changing much, maybe it’s time to take a different approach.  Talk about the topic in a collaborative, engaging, and comprehensive way.
Enter the Conversation Framework PROFILE – Skills Assessment Activity.  PROFILE allows a department or company take a proactive approach to taking an inventory of staff across a variety of skills to better understand what talents each person brings to the table.  Many of these talents might not be known to people because they were developed or learned at another company and have never been used in their current position.  Untapped talent that could serve the company and enrich the employee’s contribution to the company.
Taking an in-depth inventory of employees (outside of looking at résumés or CVs) is a worthwhile endeavor.  There is likely a goldmine of talents and skills deep across the company that is just waiting to be uncovered and leveraged.

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The Perfect Storm Wed, 18 Oct 2023 17:07:05 +0000 Since we are talking about a storm, I’ll play the role of meteorologist. Current Conditions: Some companies are having trouble finding skilled workers to fill their positions We have become a turnstile society of employees where it is totally acceptable to be at a company for two to three years before moving on – we […]

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Since we are talking about a storm, I’ll play the role of meteorologist.

Current Conditions:

Some companies are having trouble finding skilled workers to fill their positions

We have become a turnstile society of employees where it is totally acceptable to be at a company for two to three years before moving on – we no longer consider these people as job-hoppers

The generation entering the workforce today needs and expects to feel connected – just look at the number of gadgets and communication tools they have at their disposal

People are moving into supervisory positions with minimal supervisor training – gone are the days of grooming and mentoring an employee to move up the ranks when the “boss” retires

Companies want to constantly grow and “reinvent” themselves in order to remain competitive

Employees want and expect to be part of the decision-making process


For the forecast, over the next 10 years, of the 164 million workers, 30 million people will retire and there will be only 30 million Gen Zers to replace them.

Finding qualified people to fill positions will become increasingly more difficult

The turnstile will only move faster if employees are dissatisfied with their job or employer

Companies will need to maintain high employee satisfaction, if they want to retain their most valuable assets – their employees

Managers will need to become better leaders so that employees don’t use the manager as the reason for leaving the company  (Which, by the way, is one of the most common reasons cited in exit interviews as to why an employee is leaving the company.)


And if could be so bold as to make some predictions:

Companies will have permanent openings and those on staff will have to carry more weight

People will easily “move on” if they are not satisfied with their situation

“Work smarter, not harder” will challenge us more than ever

Managers will need to become great leaders if they want to keep their followers

The true test will not be how to create change.  The true test will be how to weather and manage change.  For not learning how to effectively manage change in the near future may place an organization in the heart of the “perfect storm.”

Weathering the Storm

Managing change is not magic, a mystery, or a secret, nor does it need to be overwhelming.  It can be boiled down into a simple formula.  It is also logical and realistic, but it requires planning and follow-up.

There are six elements to consider when managing a change initiative, namely:

  • Vision / Direction
  • Processes / Procedures
  • People / Resources
  • Skills / Training
  • Motivation
  • Action Plans

Vision / Direction

When establishing vision and direction, make sure that the vision is broad, it is inspiring, it instills a sense of purpose, it is positive, and it provides energy and attitude control.

Processes / Procedures

When considering what processes and procedures need to be created or modified, consider any and all of the following:

  • Team / Department
    • Administrative
    • Communication
    • Process Analysis
    • Process Improvements
    • Legal

People / Resources

When evaluating an upcoming change, make sure you have enough people, you define clear roles and responsibilities, you select the best person for the tasks, and that you communicate details to the people.

Equally important is the need to have adequate resources, which can include equipment, proper tools, financial support, knowledge, historical information, and you know if resources are to be in-house or outsourced.

Skills / Training

Skills that should be honed for effective change management are as follows:

  • Overcoming barriers to change
    • Creating and managing effective teams
    • Effective leadership
    • Communication
    • Skills assessment
    • Listening
    • Being proactive


Effective motivation is more than a simple e-mail from time-to-time.  Motivation should be an interlocking strategy that uses multiple tools (i.e., reward, recognition, responsibility, delegation, and levels of freedom).  You may need to look up, down, and sideways in the organization when designing a recognition and motivation plan.   The key word is design.  Invest time into developing a plan that fits together with other plans in the organization.

Action Plans

Creating action plans is critical.  They are the road maps to success.  Your plans should be clear, measurable, realistic, anchored with a timetable, open to the team, and written down.

What if there are missing elements?  When pieces of the change formula are missing, the outcomes and emotions are quite predictable.  For example, when everything is in place except for the proper skills and training, people start doing things only to find themselves coming to a stopping point where they can’t continue without the proper skills or training.  I call this the “False Start.”

Change is Inevitable…Growth is Optional

As Michael Dell stated in his book, Direct from Dell, “Change is opportunity.  It is also constant, direct, and temporary, for once things change, you can bet they are going to change again.  Learning to thrive on constant change is the next frontier.”

Charles Darwin gave us the following insight: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

So, has the storm already come to your company?  Is the “Perfect Storm” coming for you?  I don’t know.  If it does come your way, you may not be able to control the storm’s direction, strength, or timing.  However, you can control your organization’s readiness and ability to weather the storm’s resulting changes.

A couple ways to create a more inviting work culture are the following: 

  1. Build or strengthen a proactive, situation handling culture in your organization.  Watch this video for information on that:
  2. Rethink and reconstruct your onboarding process to be as welcoming as possible for new employees.  Watch this video for information on a 9-session course that your organization can go through to reinvent your onboarding process: [link]

How to prepare for the employee shortage storm that has been brewing and will continue for the next decade:

  • Build leadership skills in your people so employees will want to follow them
  • Develop top-notch proactive, situation management skills across the organization so you can adapt to the employee shortage, should it hit your organization, moving away from reactive, problem solving management
  • Focus on the creating efficient processes and continually refine them as the workforce dynamics change
  • Find ways to break the employee turnstile movement in your company, especially with recent or upcoming hires by using ONBOARDING as a course to get in front of the storm
  • Involve all levels of employees in the decision-making process as much as possible
  • Work smarter, not harder at everything you do

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BRIDGES – Communications Analysis Activity Tue, 17 Oct 2023 16:50:41 +0000 The post BRIDGES – Communications Analysis Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

Communication, communication, communication.  It is at the heart of everything we do.  Before the pandemic we thought we had an ample amount of communication tools.  That was shadowed by the tools that emerged a couple years ago.
But isn’t it ironic, funny, or maybe even a little sad that despite all of the communication tools we have at our disposal today, 94.44% of our on-going Organizational Challenges Survey respondents cite that they have challenges with “Communication”?  It ranks #3 in the challenges list.
Want to know what the most cited challenge is?  Something that seems so simple but is impacting employees, our businesses, and their productivity over and over.  Ready?  Here it is:
“Employees complain that information needed to do work arrives late, or not at all, impacting their performance and productivity.”
Seems so simple to fix, but something is getting in the way.  That is where the Conversation Framework BRIDGES – Communications Analysis Activity comes in.  BRIDGES tackles the sticky topic of working with those who voice their complaints about lack of communication to get their job done and works with them to resolve the problem.  It helps open up the communication BRIDGES (yes, pun intended) to improve things.  Sometimes a little communication about the communication problem is the solution.
The second most cited communication challenge is the following:
“There is a general perception or evidence that there is poor or inadequate communication in the company and a task force or team has been assembled to look for ways to improve.”
While task forces or teams can be effective at identifying where some issues lie, the question comes back to HOW to correct the problem.  Again, those identified people fit nicely into the BRIDGES activity.
I invite you to watch this short video about BRIDGES – Communication Analysis Activity and reach out if you feel that it could help tackle issues in your organization. 
Interested in assessing your company at various levels to know what your most frequent challenges are?  Contact me to discuss.  Within two weeks your organization could have insights into the challenges that are impacting performance, morale, and productivity.

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PRIORITIZE – Priority Management Activity Mon, 09 Oct 2023 23:41:03 +0000 The post PRIORITIZE – Priority Management Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

Multiple, new projects + Limited talent with special skills + Worker shortage = Priority Management Urgency.
With our ongoing surveying of Organizational Challenges (contact me to participate in the 15-minute survey), Priority Management ranks #2 out of the 28 categories polled with an incredible 94.1% of current respondents siting two scenarios that are creating challenges for them:
1)      Project teams that launched into action in the past without an adequate plan on how to prioritize resources have created problems and now the company wants to plan a project in a different way to avoid creating problems.
Companies realize that a different approach should be considered because the past way of doing things did not ensure success.
2)      The same employees are on multiple projects at the same time and need help in prioritizing how to spread their time and talent.
Looking across the talent pool of people who will be on projects, certain individuals are getting pulled into too many directions and need guidance from “the powers that be” to define priorities.  If not, burnout is a very real outcome possibility.
Enter the Conversation Framework PRIORITIZE – Priority Management Activity.  Designed to guide a group of people through a process of taking a “laundry list” of things to do and assign the tasks to the available resources, based on skills.  Having this view of who does what, visually, and with the perspective how overloaded a person might be or where skills gaps exist, BEFORE launching into the project is priceless information and help create a better roadmap for project success.
The same activity could be used to review the myriad of open projects and who is involved in each one to spot overload for individual contributors.
Conversation Frameworks – Guiding the Power and Ideas from Within.

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SYNCHRONIZE – Directional Efficiency Activity Tue, 26 Sep 2023 14:58:05 +0000 The post SYNCHRONIZE – Directional Efficiency Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

Your leadership team knows the value of being aligned and in many areas they might be. However, there may be ways to improve that alignment and get everybody even more synchronized.

The Conversation Framework SYNCHRONIZE helps the leadership team consider areas that might not have been previously considered as important or critical alignment topics. Doing a comprehensive alignment assessment as part of a continuous improvement and leadership development program is easy with SYNCHRONIZE.

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WIRED – Employee Awareness Activity Mon, 25 Sep 2023 13:59:32 +0000 The post WIRED – Employee Awareness Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

When employees have something in common with coworkers, be it similar hobbies, having visited the same place, a similar values system, or any one of a variety of other topics, bonds are created that bring them together and build a level of respect for the other person.

Every small amount of awareness in another person we can have opens the potential for an improved work environment.

The Conversation Framework WIRED – Employee Awareness Activity is designed to identify a wide variety of commonalities across a diverse group in a non-intrusive way, opening the door to new interactions with new people.

Ideal for off-site events, ice breakers, new team members, or merged departments to get people interacting.

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HURDLES – Barrier Analysis Activity Thu, 21 Sep 2023 18:23:42 +0000 The post HURDLES – Barrier Analysis Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

87% of survey respondents to the common and recurring organizational challenges survey, called DIAGNOSE – Organizational Challenges Survey, say that “there are complaints from employees that they can’t get the work done because there are roadblocks, speed bumps, or obstacles in their way.”

Does your org or do your clients fall into the 87% or the lucky 13%?

The Conversation Framework HURDLES – Barrier Elimination Activity is designed to help you overcome the barriers and get from Point A to Point B with structure and organization.

Overcome obstacles and barriers proactively without waiting for them to become problems.

Conversation Frameworks – Guiding the Power and Ideas from Within.

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ONBOARDING – Employee Welcoming Process Development Course Thu, 14 Sep 2023 01:56:13 +0000 The post ONBOARDING – Employee Welcoming Process Development Course appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

Some alarming 2023 statistics.

38% of new employees leave their job in the first year.
40% are likely to leave in the first 90 days.

The recruitment process does everything possible to attract great talent.
HR and Management focus on talent retention.

That squishy space in between those two – the onboarding time – is a crucial time that far too many companies leave to luck and chance for creating an intentional, consistent, and positive experience for the new employees. Poor performance during the onboarding time directly impacts the new employees’ willingness to stay with the company.

Enter ONBOARDING, a course designed for those organizations that are tired of Disenchanted New Employee Syndrome and want to shake it up by guiding their supervisors, managers, and HR staff through the development of a standardized onboarding process that leverages multiple Conversation Frameworks and coaching to remove that squishy space and replace it with a consistent, intentional, and welcoming experience.

A hands-on, 9-course, workshop style course that will be a game changer for those organizations that join the movement to champions and drive their onboarding experience.

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