Managing transitions – Innovative Management Tools Sun, 31 Dec 2023 16:01:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Managing transitions – Innovative Management Tools 32 32 230777158 PERCEPTIONS – Details Analysis Activity Fri, 08 Dec 2023 15:08:55 +0000 The post PERCEPTIONS – Details Analysis Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

A 2005 book titled, “Broken Windows, Broken Business: How the Smallest Remedies Reap the Biggest Rewards” by Michael Levine showcased the power of perceptions and the human brain’s ability to come to false conclusions.
In an online introduction and description of the book, some very valuable insights are shared:
1) In the world of business, the perception of the average consumer is a vital part of every business.

It starts, clearly, with something as seemingly insignificant as an inadequate supply of toys to go with Happy Meals, the prepackaged product aimed at young children. Because McDonald’s does a great deal of advertising and promotion to children, and emphasizes the Happy Meal toy in all of it, children will often ask to be taken to the restaurant specifically to get that particular toy. When the franchise owner or manager has not ordered an adequate number of toys, or the company itself has failed to produce enough and supply its restaurants, the child is disappointed, the parent frustrated, and the cycle of dissatisfaction set in motion.

2) Service is the absolute center of broken windows for business.

Call [a large corporation] sometime and have a stopwatch handy. See how long it takes for you to speak to a living, breathing human being after you’re done with all the automated phone system prompts.

3) Can little things turn a consumer against an entire brand? … The ‘weakest link’ theory is at work here, and it is very strong.

To create a personality for a business, and to have that personality permeate every aspect of the business, to have it become the business in the minds of customers, is the goal of branding… But all these things are tied to a larger concept: the idea of trust. For customers to accept a brand, to have an opinion—preferably a favorable one—about the brand, and to embrace it to the point that the mention of the brand name is enough to evoke a positive image in the mind, it must never disappoint.  When the bad impression is made on the first experience with the company, however, it’s extremely unlikely the consumer will become a regular customer. In fact, it’s better than even money that you’ll never see this particular customer again. Ever.

4) Employees who go above and beyond the call of duty are the ones who will spot and repair broken windows. Motivating employees to do so is one of the most important jobs a manager has.

The saying that a chain is as strong as its weakest link has great resonance in the world of the broken windows for business theory. An employee—especially one who has direct contact with customers—is the most visible type of broken window imaginable. Nothing will drive customers away faster than an employee who isn’t with the program.
In all these cases, when there is a negative perception, the brain can begin to think that the entire company is broken or on the verge of collapsing.
The Customer Journey, Voice of the Customer (VoC), and other tools and frameworks help identify “broken windows” inside a company.
The Conversation Framework PERCEPTIONS – Details Analysis Activity is a collaboration tool that allows people from all over the company to come together to identify what “broken windows” they are seeing or hearing about when interfacing with customers – the “what”.  It also moves into the “how” to fix the “broken windows”.  Identify and set a plan for repair – two crucial pieces to the equation.
When talking about “broken windows”, two scenarios are frequently selected in an on-going organizational challenges survey conducted by Innovative Management Tools.  Those scenarios are the following:
“Customers complain or ask questions about the stability of the company because of certain “details” that seem to go unattended.”

“The office upkeep/improvement budget was cut and it is beginning to show the consequences of that through “small” maintenance and upkeep details around the office.”
While the lack of attention to details might not have an immediate impact on a business, the long-term impact is a risk that few companies want to have dangling in front of them. 
Paying attention to these details and issues on a regular basis, perhaps once every six months, is a good practice for companies to adopt.  To its contrary, leaving multiple “broken windows” broken and in plain sight of customers will compound the situation and potentially push it to the point of no return or impossible to repair without requiring substantial money and effort. 
The moral of the story is this: Take care of the small things before they become big things.
PERCEPTIONS embraces the concept and ideas set forth in Michael Levine’s book from almost 20 years ago.  The timeless messages set forward in the book remain challenges to today’s companies.  PERCEPTIONS brings those messages into action with this Conversation Framework.

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INNOVATE – Product Analysis Activity Fri, 08 Dec 2023 14:59:53 +0000 The post INNOVATE – Product Analysis Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

Companies need to stay current, fresh, and relevant.  Most people would agree with that when talking about their products and services.  While companies know this, 71.4% of surveyed companies say that this is a challenge for them.  To be more precise, this is the scenario that resonates most with them and is most challenging:
“There are complaints about current products or services and a product revisit, review, upgrade, update, or analysis is needed.”
Revising products or services does not mean that the company must throw everything out and create something brand new.  There are many different aspects that can be factors in a product/service upgrade project.  There are 20 aspects, to be exact.  Pricing to Packaging.  Policies to After Sales Support.  Design to Distribution.  Positioning to Quality.  These only scratch the service of how a company make internal and external adjustments and tweaks to refresh and renew a product or service.  While some are traditional or “obvious”, other factors are less “front-and-center” but can have a significant impact on the market.
This is where the Conversation Framework INNOVATE – Product Analysis Activity comes in.  INNOVATE provides prompts and ideas in the 20 different areas to help spark ideas and collaboration around how a product or service could get a makeover.  Including people from the various areas of the company enriches the session even more.  More diverse perspectives give a broader set of possible ideas.  A broader set of ideas opens the door to ideas outside the traditional lower price or significant overhaul.
INNOVATE can help participants to generate enough ideas to build out a multi-phase roadmap for a product or service.

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REORGANIZE – Internal Restructuring Activity Fri, 08 Dec 2023 14:53:53 +0000 The post REORGANIZE – Internal Restructuring Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

In recent years there was a reset within companies around the world.  Everything as we knew it was put into question and scrutiny.  Employees started moving around more, leaving companies for a different position, challenge, work environment, or lifestyle.  Some companies downsized; some closed their doors.  Some company owners decided to hand over the reins to the next generation.
The reality is that the people movements of the last few years and tendency for people to move more and more presents challenges for companies.  No company is immune from people movement at some point.
81.0% of surveyed companies about common and recurring challenges identify with two scenarios that impact a company’s org chart and structure:
“There is new senior management or owners. The time is right to review the structure for possible changes to the org chart.”

“Some departments have shrunk in headcount, and it might be time to consolidate people and departments.”
When faced with the need or even curiosity to entertain the idea of considering a restructuring of the org chart, that activity should be done intentionally and with an open mind, thinking about the how, why, and who.  Org chart redesigns can be super stressful to employees and when done poorly, impact the company negatively in many ways.
This is where the Conversation Framework REORGANIZE – Internal Restructuring Activity can assist.  This framework guides a group through the org chart redesign in a structured, organized, and collaborative manner.  It helps the group step back and look at the company’s org chart from different perspectives with the goal of designing an org chart that meets the needs of today and also ensures that it will make sense to the employees.
This collaborative, facilitator-led activity allows the group to step back and see things at a different level, through different lenses.  Redesigning an org chart can become more successful to all parties involved when the conversation and activity is placed in a structured and organized environment where everybody works toward the same objective and goal – company structure clarity and performance improvement.

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The Perfect Storm Wed, 18 Oct 2023 17:07:05 +0000 Since we are talking about a storm, I’ll play the role of meteorologist. Current Conditions: Some companies are having trouble finding skilled workers to fill their positions We have become a turnstile society of employees where it is totally acceptable to be at a company for two to three years before moving on – we […]

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Since we are talking about a storm, I’ll play the role of meteorologist.

Current Conditions:

Some companies are having trouble finding skilled workers to fill their positions

We have become a turnstile society of employees where it is totally acceptable to be at a company for two to three years before moving on – we no longer consider these people as job-hoppers

The generation entering the workforce today needs and expects to feel connected – just look at the number of gadgets and communication tools they have at their disposal

People are moving into supervisory positions with minimal supervisor training – gone are the days of grooming and mentoring an employee to move up the ranks when the “boss” retires

Companies want to constantly grow and “reinvent” themselves in order to remain competitive

Employees want and expect to be part of the decision-making process


For the forecast, over the next 10 years, of the 164 million workers, 30 million people will retire and there will be only 30 million Gen Zers to replace them.

Finding qualified people to fill positions will become increasingly more difficult

The turnstile will only move faster if employees are dissatisfied with their job or employer

Companies will need to maintain high employee satisfaction, if they want to retain their most valuable assets – their employees

Managers will need to become better leaders so that employees don’t use the manager as the reason for leaving the company  (Which, by the way, is one of the most common reasons cited in exit interviews as to why an employee is leaving the company.)


And if could be so bold as to make some predictions:

Companies will have permanent openings and those on staff will have to carry more weight

People will easily “move on” if they are not satisfied with their situation

“Work smarter, not harder” will challenge us more than ever

Managers will need to become great leaders if they want to keep their followers

The true test will not be how to create change.  The true test will be how to weather and manage change.  For not learning how to effectively manage change in the near future may place an organization in the heart of the “perfect storm.”

Weathering the Storm

Managing change is not magic, a mystery, or a secret, nor does it need to be overwhelming.  It can be boiled down into a simple formula.  It is also logical and realistic, but it requires planning and follow-up.

There are six elements to consider when managing a change initiative, namely:

  • Vision / Direction
  • Processes / Procedures
  • People / Resources
  • Skills / Training
  • Motivation
  • Action Plans

Vision / Direction

When establishing vision and direction, make sure that the vision is broad, it is inspiring, it instills a sense of purpose, it is positive, and it provides energy and attitude control.

Processes / Procedures

When considering what processes and procedures need to be created or modified, consider any and all of the following:

  • Team / Department
    • Administrative
    • Communication
    • Process Analysis
    • Process Improvements
    • Legal

People / Resources

When evaluating an upcoming change, make sure you have enough people, you define clear roles and responsibilities, you select the best person for the tasks, and that you communicate details to the people.

Equally important is the need to have adequate resources, which can include equipment, proper tools, financial support, knowledge, historical information, and you know if resources are to be in-house or outsourced.

Skills / Training

Skills that should be honed for effective change management are as follows:

  • Overcoming barriers to change
    • Creating and managing effective teams
    • Effective leadership
    • Communication
    • Skills assessment
    • Listening
    • Being proactive


Effective motivation is more than a simple e-mail from time-to-time.  Motivation should be an interlocking strategy that uses multiple tools (i.e., reward, recognition, responsibility, delegation, and levels of freedom).  You may need to look up, down, and sideways in the organization when designing a recognition and motivation plan.   The key word is design.  Invest time into developing a plan that fits together with other plans in the organization.

Action Plans

Creating action plans is critical.  They are the road maps to success.  Your plans should be clear, measurable, realistic, anchored with a timetable, open to the team, and written down.

What if there are missing elements?  When pieces of the change formula are missing, the outcomes and emotions are quite predictable.  For example, when everything is in place except for the proper skills and training, people start doing things only to find themselves coming to a stopping point where they can’t continue without the proper skills or training.  I call this the “False Start.”

Change is Inevitable…Growth is Optional

As Michael Dell stated in his book, Direct from Dell, “Change is opportunity.  It is also constant, direct, and temporary, for once things change, you can bet they are going to change again.  Learning to thrive on constant change is the next frontier.”

Charles Darwin gave us the following insight: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

So, has the storm already come to your company?  Is the “Perfect Storm” coming for you?  I don’t know.  If it does come your way, you may not be able to control the storm’s direction, strength, or timing.  However, you can control your organization’s readiness and ability to weather the storm’s resulting changes.

A couple ways to create a more inviting work culture are the following: 

  1. Build or strengthen a proactive, situation handling culture in your organization.  Watch this video for information on that:
  2. Rethink and reconstruct your onboarding process to be as welcoming as possible for new employees.  Watch this video for information on a 9-session course that your organization can go through to reinvent your onboarding process: [link]

How to prepare for the employee shortage storm that has been brewing and will continue for the next decade:

  • Build leadership skills in your people so employees will want to follow them
  • Develop top-notch proactive, situation management skills across the organization so you can adapt to the employee shortage, should it hit your organization, moving away from reactive, problem solving management
  • Focus on the creating efficient processes and continually refine them as the workforce dynamics change
  • Find ways to break the employee turnstile movement in your company, especially with recent or upcoming hires by using ONBOARDING as a course to get in front of the storm
  • Involve all levels of employees in the decision-making process as much as possible
  • Work smarter, not harder at everything you do

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IMPACT – Decision Analysis Activity Fri, 29 Sep 2023 13:57:45 +0000 The post IMPACT – Decision Analysis Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

We make decisions all the time and sometimes it seems like the decision communication is just a pebble being thrown into the pond. However, some pebbles make ripples that can turn into little waves or a tidal wave down the line. That may be the inevitable case or the intention of the decision. However, preparing for that potential tidal wave (intentional or not) is critical to proactively manage how the decision is both received and perceived.

Company executives almost never make decisions with the intent to have a negative impact on the organization, the staff, or the results. However, many executive decisions are made in a sort of bubble without fully considering the impact as the decision information or message makes its way through the waves of communication or through the levels of the org chart.

In an on-going survey of organizational challenges, conducted by IMT, 81% of survey respondents say that they have some form of challenge revolving around Decisions with the most frequent challenge being the following: Decisions are made without fully considering the impact it will have on the people doing the work.

What this implies is that 1) we make decisions with limited information or perspective, 2) we have a need to rush into a decision for the sake of moving fast, or 3) we don’t really know how we would go about doing a short, but effective deep dive into the impact of the decision.

For any of the reasons listed above, The Conversation Framework IMPACT – Decision Analysis Activity can help. Bring people together, analyze the impact as the messages make their way through the communication channels, and consider how a decision will impact the organization from 10 different perspectives. A structured framework that can be completed in a few hours that helps pool the collaborative insights and ideas of the participants.

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HURDLES – Barrier Analysis Activity Thu, 21 Sep 2023 18:23:42 +0000 The post HURDLES – Barrier Analysis Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

87% of survey respondents to the common and recurring organizational challenges survey, called DIAGNOSE – Organizational Challenges Survey, say that “there are complaints from employees that they can’t get the work done because there are roadblocks, speed bumps, or obstacles in their way.”

Does your org or do your clients fall into the 87% or the lucky 13%?

The Conversation Framework HURDLES – Barrier Elimination Activity is designed to help you overcome the barriers and get from Point A to Point B with structure and organization.

Overcome obstacles and barriers proactively without waiting for them to become problems.

Conversation Frameworks – Guiding the Power and Ideas from Within.

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NAVIGATE – Planning and Preparation Activity Sun, 10 Sep 2023 17:17:18 +0000 The post NAVIGATE – Planning and Preparation Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

Lack of planning is one of the three root causes of business problems.

How many projects have you been involved in where the group or team rushed into action without upfront planning and with the idea that you would figure out the details along the way? Then, the project hit that infamous moment when things weren’t going as well as has been hoped and the team needed to “regroup”?

The Conversation Framework NAVIGATE is designed to help that project team do a short 4-hour planning session prior to jumping into action. Avoid or minimize regrouping costs, time losses, and frustrations by proactively planning instead of reactively regrouping.

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A Conversation Frameworks Process Trio – MAPPING, SNAPSHOT, and IDENTIFY Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:56:03 +0000 Processes are the backbone of organizations and these three frameworks have you covered from beginning to end and everywhere in between when it comes to keeping your processes as optimal as possible.

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In this video we introduce you to three Conversation Frameworks. Mapping – Process Development Activity, SNAPSHOT – Process Improvement Activity, and IDENTIFY – Waste Analysis Activity.

Processes are the backbone of organizations and these three frameworks have you covered from beginning to end and everywhere in between when it comes to keeping your processes as optimal as possible.

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HATS – Task Management Activity Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:45:29 +0000 HATS – Task Management Activity is the Conversation Framework to answer all those questions. This bedrock activity opens the door to one of the three core focuses of our frameworks – People. A must-have for keeping track of who is doing what now and being able to quickly adjust workloads as people come and go […]

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How many hats do your employees wear? Do you have a growing number of staff members? A shrinking staff? Do departments seem to have unbalanced workloads? Are new supervisors or managers to a department struggling to know what each team member does?

HATS – Task Management Activity is the Conversation Framework to answer all those questions. This bedrock activity opens the door to one of the three core focuses of our frameworks – People. A must-have for keeping track of who is doing what now and being able to quickly adjust workloads as people come and go in departments.

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Overcoming Barriers: Getting Traction for Progress Sat, 12 Aug 2023 14:49:40 +0000 Many managers face open resistance to changes taking place in their organization.  What is most important to understand is whether the resistance is based in a positive or negative spirit. In another post I talked about How to Change People (7 Tips on How to Get People to Change).  In that post, I mentioned that […]

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Many managers face open resistance to changes taking place in their organization.  What is most important to understand is whether the resistance is based in a positive or negative spirit.

In another post I talked about How to Change People (7 Tips on How to Get People to Change).  In that post, I mentioned that the first thing to do when trying to change people is to let them change themselves.  The second bit of advice I gave was to focus on the processes so that people would truly understand what an upcoming change means to them and their daily workflow.

As managers, leaders, and agents of change, we possess the power to kindle willingness rather than compel change. Our role is to inspire individuals to embrace new mindsets and actions, fostering a path towards the promised rewards of improvement.  What we can do is inspire the people to want to adapt their mindset and actions to reach the goals and promises that come from an improvement.  We can provide a safe, open, communication-friendly, no-blame culture where people are encouraged to ask any and all questions they have about a change or improvement.

Most people react to change with very simple questions about how their work will be affected and how their world will be impacted.  While they don’t use these exact words, they really are most interested in knowing if their workspace is going to turn upside down, or not.  I view these types of questions as positive.  I would even go so far as to say that employees have a right to pose questions like this before they are expected to jump on the support bandwagon for a change.  Even those who have been burned again and again by poor change implementation are not mean-spirited.  They are simply very skeptical and need more convincing and information to counter their previous experiences.

There is a small percentage of people who will try to sabotage efforts and resist change efforts in a negative fashion.  Find these people and make sure they do not influence others in the department or company.  However, I caution you not to be too quick to judge people as negative unless you have ample information to come to this conclusion.

When I’ve come across change initiatives that have stagnated, I like to bring in the people responsible for effecting the change and have an open dialog with them.  I first review the current state of the situation.  Sometimes I’ll go back to a previous state and show the group how they have grown/changed to get to the current state.  I then flesh out the desired future state with the group.  Once I get everybody to agree on the benefits of the future state, understanding how their jobs will change, I then probe into the obstacles that are keeping them from reaching the future state.

Once the obstacles are identified, I ask the people to provide solutions for removing the obstacles.  Getting their ideas on how an obstacle is “removed” from their perspective and yours may be totally different.  Don’t assume your way is their way.  Embrace diverse perspectives.

Now I can tell you that if a future state involves downsizing people and those people are present, don’t expect them to jump on the bandwagon.  While you may not be able to change what will happen to them down the road, you can always coach them for the future and ask them if they want to be part of the change process, knowing their future state.

And if the proposed change will indeed make their life chaotic, unstable, and frustrating, then why would they support the initiative?  Your responsibility at that point is to work through the chaos, instability, and frustration to help them find a calm, stable, pleasing environment.  This may need to be done one-on-one.

So, let’s put this into perspective with a very simple example.  Let’s say you wanted to reorganize your office layout, and started that project three months ago.  Not a huge, life-shattering event to you, but the project has stagnated, and nobody has taken the initiative to start the shifting around process.  What could come out of a simple group barrier analysis session is that one key person in the chain of dominoes moving around is unhappy with his/her new location but wasn’t asked for input before the plans were finalized.  While in group session, if that person does not bring up his/her discontent with the new location, then shame on him/her.  If he/she does, then find out what the solution is and see how the request can be accommodated.

The answer should not be to let the project stagnate.  Define the problems, generate solutions, and implement the solutions.

Yes, this was probably a simple example for you.  However, simple changes like this can get very emotional and personal for some people.  What’s a non-issue to you may be a huge issue to someone else.  Dig in, explore the reasons, and get people aligned to the goal as quickly as possible.

Benefits of running Barrier Analysis Sessions

1. Lower costs by accomplishing projects as quickly as possible with as few distractions and resistance as possible

2. Increase productivity by taking a stagnated initiative and breathing new life into it

3. Improve morale by opening communication lines to learn the real concerns people have about a change initiative

4. Develop management by giving them a vehicle for creating a culture where people can voice their concerns in a constructive manner

5. Proactively handle the situation early and avoid reactively solving the problem later

Best Practices

1. Conduct a barrier analysis session when initiatives become stagnated or derailed

2. Make sure that the project champion or department manager participates in the session

3. Use a facilitator from outside the department to bring fresh perspectives and unbiased suggestions to the group

4. If you don’t have a framework or structured way to run the barrier analysis session, consider using the Conversation Framework HURDLES, by Innovative Management Tools.  A collaborative activity that leverages the power of a specifically designed Miro interactive whiteboard on this topic.

Until next time!

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