Consulting/Coaching – Innovative Management Tools Sun, 31 Dec 2023 15:54:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Consulting/Coaching – Innovative Management Tools 32 32 230777158 DIAGNOSE Flash Report Special Offer Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:05:44 +0000 Thank you for clicking here to learn about the Special Pricing for January and February of 2024 for a DIAGNOSE Flash Report. Here are the details of the offer: The 12-page report is US$1,999. (See link below for an example Flash Report) From January 1-10, 2024, the special price is $1,399 when you copy this […]

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Thank you for clicking here to learn about the Special Pricing for January and February of 2024 for a DIAGNOSE Flash Report.

Here are the details of the offer:

The 12-page report is US$1,999. (See link below for an example Flash Report)

From January 1-10, 2024, the special price is $1,399 when you copy this link in your browser ( and use the promo code LIPROMO600.

From January 11-31, 2024, the special price is $1,599 when you copy this link in your browser ( and use the promo code LIPROMO400.

From February 1-29, 2024, the special price is $1,799 when you copy this link in your browser ( and use the promo code LIPROMO200.

The purchase link will bring you to a site where you will be asked to provide some basic information about the company and the names of the 10 people who will be included in the survey results.

Once the Flash Report purchase is completed, the Primary Contact person will be sent a special link for your company with which the survey respondents should take the survey.

Once all 10 respondents have completed the survey, the results will be consolidated and the Flash Report will be written in next 72 hours. Here is an example DIAGNOSE Flash Report: DIAGNOSE Example Flash Report – Innovative Management Tools

As a Bonus to this offer, a 30-minute call is available to go over any questions you may have about the results.

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REORGANIZE – Internal Restructuring Activity Fri, 08 Dec 2023 14:53:53 +0000 The post REORGANIZE – Internal Restructuring Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

In recent years there was a reset within companies around the world.  Everything as we knew it was put into question and scrutiny.  Employees started moving around more, leaving companies for a different position, challenge, work environment, or lifestyle.  Some companies downsized; some closed their doors.  Some company owners decided to hand over the reins to the next generation.
The reality is that the people movements of the last few years and tendency for people to move more and more presents challenges for companies.  No company is immune from people movement at some point.
81.0% of surveyed companies about common and recurring challenges identify with two scenarios that impact a company’s org chart and structure:
“There is new senior management or owners. The time is right to review the structure for possible changes to the org chart.”

“Some departments have shrunk in headcount, and it might be time to consolidate people and departments.”
When faced with the need or even curiosity to entertain the idea of considering a restructuring of the org chart, that activity should be done intentionally and with an open mind, thinking about the how, why, and who.  Org chart redesigns can be super stressful to employees and when done poorly, impact the company negatively in many ways.
This is where the Conversation Framework REORGANIZE – Internal Restructuring Activity can assist.  This framework guides a group through the org chart redesign in a structured, organized, and collaborative manner.  It helps the group step back and look at the company’s org chart from different perspectives with the goal of designing an org chart that meets the needs of today and also ensures that it will make sense to the employees.
This collaborative, facilitator-led activity allows the group to step back and see things at a different level, through different lenses.  Redesigning an org chart can become more successful to all parties involved when the conversation and activity is placed in a structured and organized environment where everybody works toward the same objective and goal – company structure clarity and performance improvement.

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TEAMS – Workgroup Management Activity Fri, 08 Dec 2023 14:47:38 +0000 The post TEAMS – Workgroup Management Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

Collective knowledge and teamwork are more powerful than individuals trying to do everything alone on a project.  Nobody will dispute that. 
An inspirational quote from years ago said, “Teamwork make the Dream work.”

Today, teams and workgroups are very commonplace in organizations.  However, despite all the greatest intentions of a team, 76.2% of companies surveyed on the topic say that they struggle in two specific areas.
“There are several teams that fail or fall short of their goals and outputs, signaling a need to approach team planning differently.”

“Official teams and workgroups have inconsistent results. An analysis of why this is taking place reveals that they tend to jump into the work without taking the time to create a Team Charter.”
Both scenarios have a common theme – upfront team planning and organization.  We tend to bring the brightest and best people resources into a team and launch them into action, urging them for quick results.  That urge to produce results prompts the team members to skip over the most crucial step in the team’s journey, the Forming stage (for those who remember the Motorola Team Stages from the 1980s and 1990s).  If you start off a team without a solid foundation, it will have consequences later on.
Now, let’s be realistic.  Even with a solid Forming foundation for the team, things can still go whacky and fail to produce results later for a variety of reasons.  However, the chances of team success greatly increase when the team starts off aligned and on the same page.
This is where the Conversation Framework TEAMS – Workgroup Management Activity can help.  TEAMS walks a newly formed team through the team chartering process in a collaborative, focused, and proactive manner.  It helps the team consider many aspects of the team’s journey that are typically overlooked or unaddressed until later when things are getting a little derailed.  That is not the best moment to talk about these things for the first time.  Emotions are high and pressure is creating tension.  The “rules of the game” are best addressed at the beginning, when there are no emotions flaring and the pressure to push forward to the deadlines is low.
This team chartering process, using the TEAMS framework, aligns the team members and sponsors, creates a roadmap for the journey ahead, and creates an anchoring communication tool for all stakeholders.
While you can’t ensure team success 100% of the time, you can ensure that teams get off on the right foot every time and increase their chances of success with TEAMS – Workgroup Management Activity, the family of Conversation Frameworks from Innovative Management Tools. 

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PROFILE – Skills Assessment Activity Fri, 08 Dec 2023 14:41:56 +0000 The post PROFILE – Skills Assessment Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

“Some employees don’t seem to be the best fit for a position but aren’t horrible either. Need to understand their skill set to find a better fit.”

“Certain departments have been caught without the needed skills present among the staff, causing issues, backlogs, or customer issues.”

“Some “good” employees are never invited to be on projects mainly because the breadth and depth of their skills is not fully understood, resulting in continually relying on a few people and overloading those people.”
Do any of these comments sound familiar to you?  Are you and your colleagues having conversations about one of these topics with HR, the owner of the company, or between yourselves? 
My guess is that you are because in an on-going survey of companies performed by Innovative Management Tools, these scenarios as a group rank #2 out of 28 groups as the most frequent challenges today. 
If you have been “talking” about these scenarios and things don’t seem to be changing much, maybe it’s time to take a different approach.  Talk about the topic in a collaborative, engaging, and comprehensive way.
Enter the Conversation Framework PROFILE – Skills Assessment Activity.  PROFILE allows a department or company take a proactive approach to taking an inventory of staff across a variety of skills to better understand what talents each person brings to the table.  Many of these talents might not be known to people because they were developed or learned at another company and have never been used in their current position.  Untapped talent that could serve the company and enrich the employee’s contribution to the company.
Taking an in-depth inventory of employees (outside of looking at résumés or CVs) is a worthwhile endeavor.  There is likely a goldmine of talents and skills deep across the company that is just waiting to be uncovered and leveraged.

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FRAMING – Project Definition Activity Tue, 14 Nov 2023 13:05:29 +0000 The post FRAMING – Project Definition Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

How you frame the problem determines how you frame success.
How you frame success determines how you frame the work.
How you frame the work determines how you frame the agreement on how to proceed.

Projects rarely succeed when they are rushed into without planning and proper definition. 
Defining the problem is often rushed over, confusing symptoms as problems.
The urge to start getting something done often results in a lack of alignment with what success looks like for the various stakeholders.
All the stuff in between those two points is often left figuring out the details in the moment, after the project is launched.
61% of companies surveyed in our on-going organizational challenges survey, DIAGNOSE, indicate that they have challenges with gathering project information and detailing the project up front.  Their most common scenario is the following:
“There is a time-sensitive project coming up that will require a tight control and transparency of the tasks and accomplishments and leaves no room for a “Regroup” after starting the project.”
This scenario is closely followed by another common challenge:
“An important project is on the horizon that needs to go as smoothly as possible and as formal/structured as possible.”
Companies know that the infamous “regrouping” does not benefit them.  Companies also have important, strategic projects that require more than a “we hope this project goes off without a hitch”.
While these are not wild ideas, and there is likely a never-ending list of projects from the past that could have gone better from the start, companies find themselves in the same situation over and over.
Enter FRAMING – Project Definition Activity, an collaborative activity that allows the project stakeholders to “frame” the project starting with the problem, then defining what success looks like, then filling in the middle section.  It’s kind of like filling up a bookshelf.  The problem and success definitions are the bookends.  The other topics, Approach, Deliverables, Investment, etc… are the middle books that complete the frame.
If you want to take a different approach to defining projects, consider the Conversation Framework FRAMING – Project Definition Activity.
For a short overview of this framework, please watch the video.

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HOSPITALITY – Customer Service Analysis Activity Fri, 20 Oct 2023 15:26:12 +0000 The post HOSPITALITY – Customer Service Analysis Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

Without customers, there is no company.  Customer service should always be top-of-mind.  The Customer Experience is much more than just the product or service when being used.  It is everything from the first to the last touch point in the process, spanning many departments from sales, implementation, delivery, customer service, finance, and a myriad of other departments.  Let’s throw on top of that the website experience, the automatic messages and billing, and other ways to make OUR life easier. 
But what’s the customer’s perspective?  Do you have high customer churn or cancellation?  Do you have more complaints than you want?  Have some areas been targeted and criticized for having a poor service level?
83% of the companies that we have surveyed find that they are facing Customer Service Challenges.  The most recurring challenge is the following:
“There is an inconsistent customer journey experience during the customer journey that management wants to make more consistent.”
Followed closely by: “The company has received poor customer satisfaction survey results and/or customer complaints.”
This is where the Conversation Framework, HOSPITALITY – Customer Service Analysis Activity comes in.  This facilitated, small group activity focuses on the customer journey across the various touchpoints with the company to better understand the experience from the customer’s perspective.  Is the experience consistent?  Are there more positive or negative moments?  How can you turn negatives into positives?
This video walks you through the high-level steps of HOSPITALITY.  If your company is facing these challenges, reach out to me and let’s talk.
Additionally, if you are interested in assessing your company at various levels to know what your most frequent challenges are, contact me to discuss.  Within two weeks your organization could have insights into the challenges that are impacting performance, morale, and productivity.

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PRIORITIZE – Priority Management Activity Mon, 09 Oct 2023 23:41:03 +0000 The post PRIORITIZE – Priority Management Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

Multiple, new projects + Limited talent with special skills + Worker shortage = Priority Management Urgency.
With our ongoing surveying of Organizational Challenges (contact me to participate in the 15-minute survey), Priority Management ranks #2 out of the 28 categories polled with an incredible 94.1% of current respondents siting two scenarios that are creating challenges for them:
1)      Project teams that launched into action in the past without an adequate plan on how to prioritize resources have created problems and now the company wants to plan a project in a different way to avoid creating problems.
Companies realize that a different approach should be considered because the past way of doing things did not ensure success.
2)      The same employees are on multiple projects at the same time and need help in prioritizing how to spread their time and talent.
Looking across the talent pool of people who will be on projects, certain individuals are getting pulled into too many directions and need guidance from “the powers that be” to define priorities.  If not, burnout is a very real outcome possibility.
Enter the Conversation Framework PRIORITIZE – Priority Management Activity.  Designed to guide a group of people through a process of taking a “laundry list” of things to do and assign the tasks to the available resources, based on skills.  Having this view of who does what, visually, and with the perspective how overloaded a person might be or where skills gaps exist, BEFORE launching into the project is priceless information and help create a better roadmap for project success.
The same activity could be used to review the myriad of open projects and who is involved in each one to spot overload for individual contributors.
Conversation Frameworks – Guiding the Power and Ideas from Within.

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IMPACT – Decision Analysis Activity Fri, 29 Sep 2023 13:57:45 +0000 The post IMPACT – Decision Analysis Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

We make decisions all the time and sometimes it seems like the decision communication is just a pebble being thrown into the pond. However, some pebbles make ripples that can turn into little waves or a tidal wave down the line. That may be the inevitable case or the intention of the decision. However, preparing for that potential tidal wave (intentional or not) is critical to proactively manage how the decision is both received and perceived.

Company executives almost never make decisions with the intent to have a negative impact on the organization, the staff, or the results. However, many executive decisions are made in a sort of bubble without fully considering the impact as the decision information or message makes its way through the waves of communication or through the levels of the org chart.

In an on-going survey of organizational challenges, conducted by IMT, 81% of survey respondents say that they have some form of challenge revolving around Decisions with the most frequent challenge being the following: Decisions are made without fully considering the impact it will have on the people doing the work.

What this implies is that 1) we make decisions with limited information or perspective, 2) we have a need to rush into a decision for the sake of moving fast, or 3) we don’t really know how we would go about doing a short, but effective deep dive into the impact of the decision.

For any of the reasons listed above, The Conversation Framework IMPACT – Decision Analysis Activity can help. Bring people together, analyze the impact as the messages make their way through the communication channels, and consider how a decision will impact the organization from 10 different perspectives. A structured framework that can be completed in a few hours that helps pool the collaborative insights and ideas of the participants.

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WIRED – Employee Awareness Activity Mon, 25 Sep 2023 13:59:32 +0000 The post WIRED – Employee Awareness Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

When employees have something in common with coworkers, be it similar hobbies, having visited the same place, a similar values system, or any one of a variety of other topics, bonds are created that bring them together and build a level of respect for the other person.

Every small amount of awareness in another person we can have opens the potential for an improved work environment.

The Conversation Framework WIRED – Employee Awareness Activity is designed to identify a wide variety of commonalities across a diverse group in a non-intrusive way, opening the door to new interactions with new people.

Ideal for off-site events, ice breakers, new team members, or merged departments to get people interacting.

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HURDLES – Barrier Analysis Activity Thu, 21 Sep 2023 18:23:42 +0000 The post HURDLES – Barrier Analysis Activity appeared first on Innovative Management Tools.

87% of survey respondents to the common and recurring organizational challenges survey, called DIAGNOSE – Organizational Challenges Survey, say that “there are complaints from employees that they can’t get the work done because there are roadblocks, speed bumps, or obstacles in their way.”

Does your org or do your clients fall into the 87% or the lucky 13%?

The Conversation Framework HURDLES – Barrier Elimination Activity is designed to help you overcome the barriers and get from Point A to Point B with structure and organization.

Overcome obstacles and barriers proactively without waiting for them to become problems.

Conversation Frameworks – Guiding the Power and Ideas from Within.

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