But what’s the customer’s perspective? Do you have high customer churn or cancellation? Do you have more complaints than you want? Have some areas been targeted and criticized for having a poor service level?
83% of the companies that we have surveyed find that they are facing Customer Service Challenges. The most recurring challenge is the following:
“There is an inconsistent customer journey experience during the customer journey that management wants to make more consistent.”
Followed closely by: “The company has received poor customer satisfaction survey results and/or customer complaints.”
This is where the Conversation Framework, HOSPITALITY – Customer Service Analysis Activity comes in. This facilitated, small group activity focuses on the customer journey across the various touchpoints with the company to better understand the experience from the customer’s perspective. Is the experience consistent? Are there more positive or negative moments? How can you turn negatives into positives?
This video walks you through the high-level steps of HOSPITALITY. If your company is facing these challenges, reach out to me and let’s talk.
Additionally, if you are interested in assessing your company at various levels to know what your most frequent challenges are, contact me to discuss. Within two weeks your organization could have insights into the challenges that are impacting performance, morale, and productivity.