Company executives almost never make decisions with the intent to have a negative impact on the organization, the staff, or the results. However, many executive decisions are made in a sort of bubble without fully considering the impact as the decision information or message makes its way through the waves of communication or through the levels of the org chart.
In an on-going survey of organizational challenges, conducted by IMT, 81% of survey respondents say that they have some form of challenge revolving around Decisions with the most frequent challenge being the following: Decisions are made without fully considering the impact it will have on the people doing the work.
What this implies is that 1) we make decisions with limited information or perspective, 2) we have a need to rush into a decision for the sake of moving fast, or 3) we don’t really know how we would go about doing a short, but effective deep dive into the impact of the decision.
For any of the reasons listed above, The Conversation Framework IMPACT – Decision Analysis Activity can help. Bring people together, analyze the impact as the messages make their way through the communication channels, and consider how a decision will impact the organization from 10 different perspectives. A structured framework that can be completed in a few hours that helps pool the collaborative insights and ideas of the participants.